Facility ::Central Library ::

    Government Polytechnic Katihar is one of the leading Polytechnic in Koshi Region. This institute has an excellent central library stocked with Text books, Reference Books, Reference tools, CD's and DVD's covering all facets of engineering. The library has 21000 plus printed book/documents. The library is having area of _______ Sq.m with reading room capacity of ___ students. The library process is automated through LMS.The library offers open access to students. The members get three to four books under book bank facility. The students can retain the books issued under book bank for the entire semester. Under issue section, the students get two/three reference book under library card for fifteen days. During working hours of the library, students can access books for reading in the reading room facility on their institute identity card. Faculty can get reference books according to their need and for flexible durations. The daily average number of books issued/returned transaction are 30 plus.

Library Services:

    Total number of book(s): 21000 plus
    Total no. of member(s) :All Student, Teacher & Non-Teachers of the college
    E-Resources Facility : No.
    Reading Room Facility: Yes
    Reference Service: No.
    Free Wi-Fi : YES
    Digital Library : YES
    Computerized Services – Books Circulation through LMS S/W.
    Technology Use for Book Circulation : Manual & Barcodding Technology.