

Total no of Hostel: 02(01 for Boys and 01 for Girls)

Charges:Caution Money: 1500(One time) & 750.00 monthly

Boys Hostel Details

No. of bed available: 100
Staff details
Sl. Name Designation Email id
01. Mr. Abhishek Kumar(Lecturer,Mechanical) Chief Warden
02. na Warden na
03. Mr. Raushan Kumar Hostel Incharge

Facilities Available:

Water cooler with water purifying R.O system
Semi furnished room
Catering facility
Separate room with attached washroom for Physically challenged students
24×7 CCTV surveillance
24×7 power backup

Girls Hostel Details

No. of bed available: 100
Staff details
Sl. Name Designation Email id
01. Ms. Mridula Kumari(Lecturer,Physics) Chief Warden
02. Ms. Anjali Kumari(Lecturer, Mechanical Engg. Warden
03. Mr. Raushan Kumar Hostel Incharge

Facilities Available:

Water cooler with water purifying R.O system
Semi furnished room
Catering facility
Separate room with attached washroom for Physically challenged students
24×7 CCTV surveillance
24×7 power backup