:: Recruiters ::



The institute invites the industries/companies for the recruitment of final year students as well as the immediate pass out students.
A. For placement of Final Year Students:

The industry is requested to send following information in PDF format to the institute regarding recruitment of the students in Final Year of Diploma Engineering.
i. Brief details of the company's area / domain of work
ii.Designation, Durations and Compensation (CTC and Take-Home Salary details) for Training, Probation and after confirmation.
iii. Job profiles and Career Progression Plan after training (such as Shop Supervisor, Design Engineer, QC engineer, CNC m/c Operator, Site Supervisor, Developer, Tester etc...)
iv. Details of Additional Facilities such as support for higher education
v. Eligibility Conditions - Branch of Diploma, % of Marks etc.
vi. Details of recruitment process - Aptitude test, Group Discussion, Interview etc. The institute will share the above-mentioned details with the students and will get the data of interested students. The same will be shared with the industry for further processing of recruitment drive.
B. For placement of Immediate Pass out Students.

The industries are requested to send a write-up / notice for such students containing information as mentioned above in A-1 along with the contact details of the contact persons, so that student can send resumes directly to the industry. The industries may invite the interested students for the recruitment process on their campus or the students can be interviewed in online mode, as per the convenience / policy of the industry. The industries are requested to share the details of such selected students of previous batches to the TPO cell (govtpolykatihar@gmail.com) for record purpose. The industries are requested to share the details of such selected students of previous batches to the TPO cell/email for record purpose.
